All Edwina’s novels are available as ebooks
And - both sets of Diaries: 1987-1992, published 2002, and 1992-1997, published in September 2012.


HIGH PEAK BUSINESS CLUB - Articles for Buxton Advertiser

"Flybe Report"

"Bentley Report"

"Report on December Meeting"

"Network Rail Report"

"Premier Inn"

Articles for the Telegraph

"Election Day"

"Nationalists Should Give Us All The Shivers"

"Over-Politeness is Running the Country"

"Revolting Teachers..?"

"Sexist Language"

"Thatcher Handbag"

"Women Politicians"

"Women's Manifesto"

"Political Wives"

"How Lord Ashcroft should spend his money"

More Articles

"'The Guide to Later Life' - Writers' Contributions"

"Age of Consent debate in 1994"

"Families of erring politicians are the ones who suffer"

"The return of Spitting Image"