I'm a Celebrity

In November 2104, Edwina entered the Jungle as a campmate on ITV's "I'm a Celebrity. Get me out of here!", here is her story.

Writer, broadcaster and one-time junior health minister Edwina Currie is ready to tackle the jungle head on.

The tough talker has promised she won't be suffering fools and has pledged to stir up mischief if she sees fit.

"If there is any logic in politics, which there isn’t, my political opponents will be voting for me to stay in and my political friends will be going ‘no let’s get her home as quick as we can’.”

Like Vicki Michelle, Edwina isn't letting age stand in her way, “I am 68 and I like having adventures,” she admits. “If an advanced stage of life is not an adventure, then you might as well give up on everything! This will certainly be something I have never experienced before.”

Edwina says she'll miss her hubby most but will be taking in a very special memento to keep him close to her, "I'm going to take a plaster cast of his hand with me," she said.

Hold tight Edwina, it's going to be a bumpy ride!


For more on what went on in the jungle, visit the Youtube channel

Introducing... Edwina Currie

Edwina And Jake Arrive In The Camp

Jake And Edwina Blag For Beds

Edwina Currie Shouts For Mel

Tension Mounts After Kendra And Edwina's Argument

Exclusive Q & A With Edwina Currie

Jimmy & Edwina Give Motivational Speeches

Edwina Currie Leaves the Jungle

Edwina Currie Exclusive Interview